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Hello, my name is Natsuko, a spiritual counsellor born in 1974 and living in Tokyo. I have been doing oracle card readings and energy healing for over 10 years while working as a translator. 

From a very early age, I was the kind of child who always wondered about what I was, what it meant to be a human and why I was born on planet Earth and for what purpose.

I knew that I came here (Earth) for a purpose, and this is the place I chose to live, but I always felt strange in some way, wondering why people say things that are different from what they really think, why they do things they don’t mean or want to do and why they keep smiling when they don’t seem to be enjoying themselves. 

But I thought I was the only one who felt strange, I was the one who was wrong and incomplete, and I managed to live my life trying to feel the same way as everyone else. But as I grew older, however, I began to realize that what I felt wasn’t strange, that what I felt must be the truth, and I began to look at things from a spiritual perspective, and how people’s emotions affect the reality they face.

As I received and learnt various healings from my mentors, I delved into the reasons why these things were happening to me, exploring myself deeply and revealing my true emotions. During the spiritual journey, I met myself who was wounded, angry but trying to recover my authentic self.  As I healed myself I learnt that everything in the world is made of energy, that I am the creator of my world, that my thoughts create my reality.

That pain, anger and sadness can be turned over and transformed into joy and peace on this planet, and that there is no need to add or subtract anything to my current self, only to realize that by forgiving and accepting myself as I am, my authentic self begins to emerge and begins to naturally move towards what I was born to do. I became convinced that using my power for my own joy and happiness was good for me and therefore good for the wellbeing of the whole planet and universe.

The power I am given is Claircognisance. I can see why a person is suffering at the moment, what has shocked them, and the source of their sadness and resentment, and how these emotions and attachments create a situation that prevents them from unleashing their true greatness and potential.

There are no bad people or people who lack anything. There are only people who have been hurt. 
Everyone has uniqueness, potential, love and light. What you need to do is just remember that and have compassion for yourself and give yourself permission to be who you are and make yourself your own ally and you will be able to see the world in a multidimensional way, and then your life will start to spin the way you want it to spin and you will feel that you are living in love and you will remember that you were in love from the beginning.

In my spiritual counselling session, I will read what is going on inside you at the moment, what is holding you back from living your life as you are, and what messages you need to receive in order to let go and be free.

You can transform any difficult situation into your learning experience and happiness. That which is unpleasant and painful is actually a clue to finding joy and purpose in life. 

I want to help you to live your life and to celebrate it wholeheartedly.
